Check Status File Layout

v1.1 - 2022.07


The Check Status file provides the check serial number and the status of the check from the check printing facility. This file is primarily used for the purpose of determining whether the check data that was submitted to Evolve has been printed.

File Name


  • FieldType indicates the file type (CheckStatus)
  • yyMMddHHmmss is the timestamp for when the file is sent

File Direction

This file is sent to the Platform from Evolve

Format Options

This file type is available in JSON format

Delivery Location

These files are delivered to a ‘CheckStatus’ subfolder of the Platform’s root folder on Evolve’s sFTP server ( However, the Platform may choose a different subfolder if desired.

Delivery Windows:

When the file is produced, entries only include records that have not been sent to the Platform in previous files. The status data in this file is provided by the check printing facility.

Delivered daily (7 days a week) at 6:15 pm Central Time

Each file delivery looks 5 days back for undelivered files. Each Saturday file delivery looks 30 days back.


Best Practice:

When designing automated processes to pick up data received from Evolve, always look for new files. Delivery window times are subject to change or to be added as needed.

File Size

This file will contain no more than 5,000 records. If there are more than 5,000 records in a single delivery window, then multiple files will be provided.

Unique Key

Evolve requires that the data from this file be stored in association with a unique key. This key will help the Platform identify errors or duplicate data in the event of a system issue.

Required Fields

  • serial

Note: Serial numbers for checks should always be unique. Do not reuse serial number values when issuing new checks.

Sample JSON Data

"serial" : 100001,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Printed",
"datePrinted" : "2021-10-25T00:00:00",
"tracking" : "999999999999"
"serial" : 100002,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Printed",
"datePrinted" : "2021-10-25T00:00:00",
"tracking" : "9400100000000000000000"
"serial" : 100003,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Printed",
"datePrinted" : "2021-10-25T00:00:00",
"tracking" : null
"serial" : 100004,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Printed",
"datePrinted" : "2021-10-25T00:00:00",
"tracking" : null
"serial" : 100005,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Printed",
"datePrinted" : "2021-10-25T00:00:00",
Check Status File Layout continued
Check Status File Layout v1.1 – 2022.07 1
"tracking" : null
"serial" : 100006,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Printed",
"datePrinted" : "2021-10-25T00:00:00",
"tracking" : null
"serial" : 100007,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Printed",
"datePrinted" : "2021-10-25T00:00:00",
"tracking" : null
"serial" : 100008,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Printed",
"datePrinted" : "2021-10-25T00:00:00",
"tracking" : null
"serial" : 100009,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Received",
"datePrinted" : null,
"tracking" : null
"serial" : 100010,
"statusDate" : "2021-10-25T15:48:46.1133333",
"status" : "Received",
"datePrinted" : null,
"tracking" : null

Field Descriptions & Usage

serialNumberYesSerial Number of the check
statusDateStringYesTimestamp of the date and time the status was updated
Ex. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssssss
statusStringYesThe status of the check

Common Valid Values:
- Printed - The check printer has printed the check
- Sent to AutoMail: The check has been sent to our check printer  
- Cancelled - Client sent a check in the file, but user has decided they do not want it to be sent out. This needs to be communicated to Evolve before 12pm CST
- Rejected by Automail - There was an issue with the check such as address, city or state does not match 

Uncommon Valid Values:
- Received - Check printer has received the check data, still pending printing
- Not Printed - The check has been sent to our check printer but not printed
datePrintedStringOptionalTimestamp of the date and time the check was was printed

Valid Values:
- YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss – timestamp provided for checks with “Printed” status
- null – value delivered for checks with “Received” status
trackingStringOptionalThe tracking number of the shipping provider. The shipping provider is defined by ‘DeliveryOption’ in the check printing data submitted to Evolve by the Platform.
Value format varies by shipping provider and can be alphanumeric or numeric.

Example formats:
- 999999999999
- 9400100000000000000000

Note: File produces null responses for empty fields.