Wire In File Layout

v2.1 - 11.2023


When a wire transaction is received, Evolve will notify the Third Party or Platform with this file. This file will be shared in the Platform’s preferred file format. The Platform is expected to use this data to update their subledger and store each provided entry associated with a unique key. This file delivers essential data regarding each wire transaction Evolve receives for the Third Party, Platform, or End User.


This file will be sent for every status update regarding a wire in transaction.

File Information

File Name


  • vAccount_Wire_In is the File type and Version
  • CompanyShortName is the short name assigned to the company by Evolve
  • yyyyMMddHHmmss is the timestamp for when the file is sent

File Direction

This file is sent to the Platform from Evolve via sFTP.

Format Options

This file type is available in either CSV or JSON formats.

Delivery Details


These files are delivered by default into a ‘Wire’ subfolder of the Platform’s primary folder on Evolve Bank & Trust’s sFTP server (sftp.getevolved.com). However, the Platform may choose a different subfolder if desired.

Delivery Windows

When the file is produced, entries only include records that have not been sent to the Platform in previous files. This file type is provided several times a day and contains wire data for previously received wire transactions.

Delivered daily (7 days a week) every hour from 5 am to 6 pm and at 10, 11 pm Central Time


Best Practice: When designing automated processes to pick up data received from Evolve, always look for new files. Delivery window times are subject to change or to be added as needed.

File Size

This file will contain no more than 2,000 records. If there are more than 2,000 records in a single delivery window, then multiple files will be provided.

Unique Key

Evolve requires that the data from this file be stored in association with a unique key. This key will help the Platform identify errors or duplicate data in the event of a system issue.

Required Fields


Best Practice (add one or more of the following fields):

  • amount
  • status

File Options

JSON Sample Data

      "account_actual_name":"PLATFORM CO",
      "orig_address":"8550 WHITE FIR ST RENO, NV 89523<br />",
      "benef_address":"3M CENTER BUILDING 42-6E-37 ST PAUL MN 55144",
      "benef_info":"RTN IMAD20200527Z1A35X2B116800 AMT 19445.00USD",
      "wire_note":"REV YOUR PD REF",
      "jhtranid": "JWSZFAHMJO"
      "account_actual_name":"PLATFORM CO",
      "orig_name":"TESLA GIGAFACTORY 3",
      "benef_address":"4500 FREMONT BOULEVARD FREMONT CA 94538 US",
      "jhtranid": "JWSZFAHMJO"
      "account_actual_name":"PLATFORM CO",
      "orig_name":"MICHAEL BOOTH",
      "orig_address":"4343 1ST AVE APT 100 CHICAGO IL 60088 US",
      "benef_name":"MICHAEL BOOTH",
      "benef_address":"4343 1ST AVE APT 100 CHICAGO IL 60088 US",
      "jhtranid": "JWSZFAHMJO"
      "account_actual_name":"PLATFORM CO",
      "orig_name":"JAMES SCHWABB",
      "orig_address":"7622 BENJAMIN ST NEW ORLEANS LA USA",
      "benef_name":"EVOLVE BANK & TRUST HOME LOAN CENTER",
      "benef_address":"175 NY-25E SETAUKET-EAST SETAUKET, NY 11733 ",
      "orig_bank_address":"CITIBANK WASHINGTON 2000 L STREET 3RD FLOOR WASHINGTON DC 20036",
      "jhtranid": "JWSZFAHMJO"

CSV Guidlines:

  1. Each record is located on a separate line, delimited by a line break (CRLF).
  2. The last record in the file may not have an ending line break.
  3. There will be a header line appearing as the first line of the file with the same format as normal record lines. This header will contain names corresponding to the fields in the file and will contain the same number of fields as the records in the rest of the file.
  4. Within the header and each record, there will be one or more fields, separated by commas. Each line should contain the same number of fields throughout the file. Spaces are considered part of a field and should not be ignored.
  5. The last field in the record will not be followed by a comma.
  6. Fields containing line breaks (CRLF), double quotes, and commas will be enclosed in double-quotes.

CSV Sample Data:

9876543210,1200566088,111,"ZBB1234","PLATFORM CO","MICHAEL BOOTH","4343 1ST AVE APT 100 CHICAGO IL 60088 US","MICHAEL BOOTH","4343 1ST AVE APT 100 CHICAGO IL 60088 US",,"1200566088","2020-05-28T01:58:54","$40,000.00",40000,20200528T6GP443Y000998,20200528QYYCFGH2000569,I,0,0,IN,S,FD,"Evolve",,OZZ1230012345,0,,,,,,,,,,670047804,,JWSZFAHMJO

Field Descriptions & Usage

These fields are described in terms of Wire In Transactions.

See our Wire Out File Layout for alternative field descriptions for Wire Out transactions

10-16 digits
Settlement Account - Account number of the vAccount
settlement account; account that is credited for the wire transfer
10-16 digits
vAccount – virtual account number issued to the End User;
If no vAccount number is present, the settlement account
number will populate this field.
3 digits
Third Party Number – Evolve assigned integer used to group Platforms with their parent Third Party
cifStringCustomer ID - Evolve assigned ID used to identify the Platform or Third Party; CIF number tied to the Settlement Account
account_actual_nameStringSettlement Account Name – the name of the owner of the
settlement account (e.g. Platform’s legal business name)
orig_nameStringOriginator Name – name of the person or entity that
originated the transaction
orig_addressStringOriginator Address – address of the person or entity that
originated the transaction
benef_nameStringBeneficiary Name – name of the person or entity receiving
funds from the transaction
benef_addressStringBeneficiary Address – address of the person or entity
receiving funds from the transaction; originator must provide
the beneficiaries complete physical address
benef_infoStringBeneficiary Information - Reference value that provides additional detail or context to the transaction for the financial institution
wire_noteStringNote – additional details appended to the transaction
time_receivedTimestampTime Received – timestamp indicating when the beneficiary
bank received the transaction (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss)
amount_textStringAmount Text – the transaction amount written with currency
symbols and punctuation
amountDecimalAmount – the unsigned amount of the transaction; all funds
are received in US Dollars
imadStringInput Message Accountability Data (IMAD) - unique number given to each FedWire payment when using the Federal
Reserve Bank Service. This unique number can be used to
investigate and track wire transfers
omadStringOutput Message Accountability Data (OMAD) - unique
number given to each FedWire payment when using the
Federal Reserve Bank Service. This unique number can be
used to investigate and track wire transfers.
in_outStringTransaction Direction – indicator that determines the
direction of the transaction.
Defined Values:
I – “Incoming transaction” or “Receiving transaction”
O – “Outgoing transaction” or “Sending transaction”
sequenceIntegerSequence – value assigned when wires are released; this value is used for retroactive review and provides additional detail to batch value
batchIntegerBatch – value assigned when wires are released; this value is used for retroactive review.
statusStringStatus – the status of the wire transaction being received.
See the _Wire In Status Codes _table below for more details.
wire_typeStringType - value used to determine if the wire is Settled or Pending
S – Settled
R – Pending
wire_sourceStringSource – value used to determine if the wire is Domestic or International
Domestic – FD (Domestic Fedwire)
International – ZN (Zions) or other correspondent bank code
benef_bankStringBeneficiary Bank Name – name of the bank that received the transaction
benef_bank_addressStringyesBeneficiary Bank Address – complete physical address of the bank that received the transaction
benef_referenceStringyesBeneficiary Reference – Reference value that provides
additional detail or context to the beneficiary
(eg. Invoice number)
sender_referenceStringOriginator Reference – Reference value that provides
additional detail or context about the originator
(eg. Bill number from accounts payable system)
fi_to_fiStringyesFI to FI (Financial Institution to Financial Institution) – notes passed between banks or financial institutions that provide additional details or context about the wire
instructing_bankStringyesInstructing Bank - an instructing institution is a bank through which the wire transfer passes, between the sending bank and the originating bank
orig_bankStringyesOriginating Bank Name – name of the bank that originated
the transaction
orig_bank_addressStringOriginating Bank Address – complete physical address of the bank that originated the transaction
orig_partyStringyesOriginating Party – identifier for the individual or business
who originates the wire
orig_optf_nameStringyesOriginating Party Name – name of the individual or business who originates the wire
orig_optf_moreStringyesOriginating Party Details – additional details about the
originating party, such as the address
receiver_fi_infoStringyesReceiver Financial Institution Information - additional information about the receiving financial institution
previous_identifierStringPrevious Identifier - unique ID associated with previous transaction
sending_abaStringOriginating Bank Routing Number – the sending bank’s ABA or routing number when receiving domestic transactions;
SWIFT or BIC (Bank Identifier Code) when receiving international transactions
sending_accountStringyesOriginating Account – account number to be debited for the transaction
jhtranidString Transaction ID - a unique string of numbers and letters attached to a particular transaction assigned by the Core System

Wire In Status Codes:

These statuses are described in terms of Wire In transactions.

See our Wire Out File Layout for alternative statuses descriptions for Wire Out transactions.

Generally, the most often seen statuses for Wire In are Auto Posted (AU), Initiated (IN), Manual Review (MR), and Processed (PR).

Final decision statuses are Auto Posted (AU), Processed (PR), and Compliance Failure (CF). Clients should accept these statuses as the final decisioned state of the wire and operate their subledger based on these decisions.

For drawdowns, this must be explicitly agreed to in the Wire Agreement. Additionally, drawdowns only pertain to Core level accounts and not vAccounts.

StatusDescriptionUpdate Ledger Balance
AUAuto Posted – the transaction amount is below the auto post limits and auto posted to the accountNo, wait for success status like PR
DRDrawdown Request – A drawdown request is a request from another bank to send money to requesting bank in the requested amount. A drawdown request can be for both customer drawdowns and bank-to-bank drawdowns.No, wait for drawdown to be acknowledged with HN status
HNHonored Drawdown – A drawdown request has been honored and the outgoing drawdown response wire has been created with the appropriate information pre-filled from the original request. No further responses are allowed to the original request. This status indicates that an outgoing wire was created to satisfy the drawdown request.Yes
INInitiated - The wire has been initiated.No, wait for success status like PR
NDNext Day Wire - A wire created or initiated after the cutoff time that will not be sent until the next business day.No, wait for success status like PR
MRManual Review- Manual review comprises multiple auxiliary statuses, including OF and OP, that require manual intervention.No, wait for success status like PR
OFOFAC Flagged Wire- A wire has been flagged for an OFAC review. Evolve must manually review and decision the wire before it can move into it's next status for further processing.No
OPOFAC Pending Wire- A wire has been flagged for an OFAC review and is pending Evolve's manual review to decision the wire for further processing.No
RCReturn Credit- An incoming wire where the credit is returned prior to posting.No
RFRefused Drawdown - When a drawdown request is refused, a refusal message is created and sent to the requesting bank via the FedWire system. The status of the original drawdown request is changed to RF.No
RTIncoming Return Wire - An outgoing wire that is being returned to Evolve.Yes
RWReturn Wire - An incoming wire that may require a return. RW wires should not be ledgered and must await a decision.

There are two outcomes of an RW wire:

1. The status moves from RW>PR: incoming credits were returned to the sender.
All RWs that are returned will have a corresponding wire with RW status in the Wire Out File.

2. The status moves from RW>IN>PR: incoming credits were received and are to be posted to the receiving end user.

Note: When an incoming wire is flagged for return, an outgoing wire is created with a status of RW. Once processed (PR), the outgoing wire will be assigned its own unique IMAD, independent from the IMAD associated with the incoming wire.

For example, an incoming wire has an IMAD of 20200101A1B1111C000011, the outgoing wire RW will correspond with the same IMAD. However, once the status changes from RW>PR in the Wire Out file, it will be assigned it's own unique IMAD, 20200101B1C2222D000022.
No, wait for success status like PR
PRProcessed - An incoming wire that has been received from the FedWire system and has been fully processed. The presence of PR confirms the wire has been processed and posted.

In an accepted wire scenario (has not been returned with RW), clients should accept the PR status as the final decisioned state of the wire. Subsequent statuses serve as processing detail.

In a return scenario (RW), the PR confirms that the return wire has been fully processed.
CFCompliance Failure - A wire that has failed compliance due to a regulatory issue. There will be a corresponding return wire with the original IMAD.No